Tuesday, June 17, 2008

It's a boy!

We've finally determined we're going to have a little Benjamin Franklin Farrer. The echo tech at the hospital where I work did an ultrasound last week for me, and the kid actually cooperated. Clarke and I have done some travelling recently. First, we went to Utah for his sister's wedding at the Manti temple. We also got to see his brother's five day old baby boy. Clarke loved holding his little nephew and can't wait to hold his own little baby. Right now, I'm having fun getting kicked in the ribs. I can no longer wear my wedding ring, and my ankles swell up frequently. I'm not quite ready to have the baby yet, but give me another month of this hot weather, and I'm sure I'll change my mind. We were in Dallas this last weekend for Fathers' Day and Clarke's sister's wedding reception. The only other trip we plan on taking is 4th of July weekend up to Dallas. We always enjoy getting out of town.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Yosemite & Sequoia

Here are a few pictures from our trip to Sequoia and Yosemite. Visit our blog at mitfamilynews for more pictures and description of the trip.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

My Vacation in the WEst

I recently got back from my trip out west. It was a vacation I needed. I was able to go with Mom and Dad and Eric to our cousin Alan’s wedding. I enjoyed seeing Grandma and Grandpa and uncles, aunts, and cousins I haven’t seen in over three years. Unfortunately, I kept getting asked when I was graduating. Before we dropped Eric of at the MTC we went to Temple Square and BYU campus. Of course I had to drag everyone to a few museums. Eric wasn’t too happy, but what else was he going to do, read his scriptures. He had been set apart Thursday, we all got to Utah on Friday, and he did not enter to MTC until Wednesday. I was impressed by how he tried his hardest to live like a missionary. We even tried to get him to take off his suit coat jacket to know avail. It was fun taking Eric to the MTC. He was the only sibling I dropped off at the MTC. They still showed the exact video that they showed when I entered the MTC. I also enjoyed spending the week with Jeff, Lisa, Macay, and Kyla in Idaho Falls. I know, I know I need to visit San Diego sometime. It rained every day I was in Idaho Falls except on Sunday, when I went with Jeff and Lisa to their interesting ward you should ask them about it sometime. When we went to the zoo it started to rain right after we paid. I think Macay liked it better in the rain. Despite the rain, I played disc golf with Jeff two and a half times. I enjoyed playing with Macay and Kyla but was getting tired of pony rides near the end. Even though I have lived in Missouri for 6 years, it was weird during my trip to be introduced as being from Missouri. I am back in Missouri and finally have my car back. I start a job grading state assessment tests, like TAAS, on Monday. The vacation’s over.